Sunday, December 27, 2009


December is still not over. I think December is trying to kill me. Can a month kill a person? The suspense (can it? can't it?) is torture. I'm 70/30 at the moment. I am going to try to distract myself by doing things I have not done before. Today this includes: hanging a picture. On a wall. 

I know. You probably want to do this too. And you are probably envious. 

My only concern? That I've actually done this before but it was so dull I deleted it from my mind. I hope that isn't the case. But I do seem to recall that it involves a drill, a calculator (YES!), a measuring tape, and a wall anchor. And x-ray vision to see the wall hazards. (pipes, wires, time capsules.) 

I suppose I should take a nap first. You know, before all this hard work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Proper thing to do!!!