Sunday, January 10, 2010

Zen and the art of potty training: conversations

Me: "hey Lew! look, there's a Guy in your potty! PEE ON HIM! 

Lew: "That's funny!"

Dexter: "Lewis is going to pee on a guy?! I wanna see that! Hey Neville, Lew is going to pee on a guy! I'd do it. Can I do it??" 

Neville: "me too me too me too!"

Me: "oh crap, this isn't what I meant. Jesus put your pants back on the whole lot of you!"


Anonymous said...

Don't scare me with this boy shit, seriously. I don't think I can get a refund. Note that I said think.

Unknown said...

Me too - me too!!!! It's a guy thing - like writing your name in the snow.