Fact: Stopped drinking coffee. Had my regular at work after a two week absence and disliked it. Mildly considered starting antidepressants. Will start running again instead. Ran 20k cold on a random January day last year. Need to do that again.
FACT: getting shit done at work. sort of. And by sort of I mean: not really.
fact: spent an inappropriate amount of time looking at new cars today. will likely buy a new car before the year is out. With cash bitches. with cash. This is the part where I high-five my financing skillz. And the part where I am living how I planned to. (CASH CASH CASH)
fact: sometimes I lie.
Fact: haha. funny. I don't care. I don't care if you think I'm lame. a bad mother. old. a jerk. smelly. stupid. no difference. and the more different you and I are: ha! the more fun I'll have figuring out how to be your friend.
fact: pretty sure I'm going to Burning Man (and the sweet desert) and we're gonna drive. and then peru (that's where the mountain I will climb lives). I will start the vaccines soon. And by "pretty sure" I mean, it's on my mind. And maybe it will have to wait until 2012.
FACT: my seven-year-old is insanely socially intelligent.
fact: I am writing my MCATs in 8 months. And then I will go to Medical School. After I get my PhD. And it will look just like that.
FACT: I changed my mind. 2010 is going to be insane. And after a low-key 2009 I'm ready.
Fact. just had two glasses of my current favorite wine and believe I can conquer the world. Yikes. Just have to do it now.
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