Wednesday, June 3, 2009


General Disinterest. 

Example #1: Doing stuff. Don't feel like it. Lying on the couch is so much easier. And while I'm at it, I might as well just close my eyes...for a minute...just a minute.
Example #2: Being around people: meh. Fuck off. 
Example #3: Eating: really? I have to? Again? So dull.
Example #4: This morning I thought: wouldn't it be nice if I just didn't have to poop. Ever? With that extra 30 seconds a day I could write letters to the government to lobby for my giant Arctic Ice Machine. Or not.
Example #5: I look like shit. And I don't care.
Example #6: A strong, almost irrepressible desire to litter.  
Example #7: Yesterday I almost wanted to challenge myself to an entire day without saying the "eff-word". I'm that bored. And boring. 

Postscript: I have so far said the "eff-word" 38 times today. That's a rough estimate. And I'm pretty sure one sentence contained only the "eff-word." Fucking hell. I suck. 

1 comment:

Brato said...

About example 4:
30 seconds a day?
Suggestion: Make it more interesting. Spice it up! Attach secondary activity to it.
Worthy secondary activities (tested and approved by myself) are:
- singing and/or
- playing guitar
- quite obvious: reading (that includes searching for stuff to read, like labels on toothpaste or bathroom cleaner, and then of course reaching for it, trying to grab it although it is out of reach. no it is not! I can reach it! Yes, you can!)
- attractive for those wo are into it: painting toenails.
- brushing teeth
- drinking coffee
- eating (needs practice, though. but it might be nice experience: having stuff go in and come out at the same time)
I better go.