Sunday, June 28, 2009

This summer's Motto

Live spherically, in all directions at once.

1 comment:

Brato said...

I have strong doubts about that. Really. Please consider:
Spherically? All directions at once? Have you ever seen "The Man with the screaming brain"? It features a guy who tries to live bi-directionally, and nearly dies of it. And that's only two directions.
Live spherically. Like a giant ball, an orb. Live spherically as in: Club of the fat guys. Become a member! Eat chocolate-fat!
I don't think it's possible to literally live in all directions at once. You can leave doors open, of course. You can hit a number of birds with one stone, yes (or as the original german fairytale puts it: seven with one strike, seven flies with one fly flap).
But please don't become spherical. By the way, balls don't live in all directions at once either. They usually stay put or roll downhill. You wanna go downhill? Live spherical then. Be the orb! Yes!
(I apologize for this only from a certain angle valuable and otherwise completely useless post.)