Monday, February 15, 2010

Family Day

Today is Family Day, which means that if you didn't buy milk yesterday and this morning you used the very last of it for your third cup of coffee, you are shit out of luck because all the people who run the stores are at home with their families. This comes after Valentine's Day which comes after my birthday. Both of which I spent with my family (some of it actually awake and a bunch of it asleep). Like Valentine's Day which demands you be romantic, demanding me to spend time with my family (by the provincial government) makes me rebel, like any proper teenager would. So I've come to work. Which I'll start doing right after I eat this cake left over from my birthday.


Brato said...

well, instead of calling you weird for going to work on a holiday, I just wanna quote from a sheryl crow song: if it makes you haaaaaaaappiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!