Today I saw the future and failed to act. I had made a pot of coffee to get through the unending first day of daylight saving. I almost finished my cup and left it beside my laptop on the kitchen table. At one point I thought, gee, I should move that cup 'cause first chance he gets, Lew will be up on the table spilling my coffee on my computer. And then, as caring for children while juggling a zillion tasks goes, I got distracted. Big. Fucking. Mistake.
I turned my back. Lewis scaled the kitchen chair.
Lewis spilled coffee (with milk and sugar) on my laptop keyboard.
And the rest of the children watched on, saying NOTHING.
I flipped. I calming walked to Duncan's office (where he was working) and said, "you'd better come look after your children because their lives are in danger."
At first I thought everything was okay: the computer continued to function (after I poured the coffee out) and it seemed the crisis had been averted. But alas, no. It started to become unresponsive and then failed to boot. I think I started crying and swearing a lot at this point. Coincidently, when this happened we also lost our internet signal so that I could not do a quick google search to see how to handle such a situation. PS: I did everything that a person should not do (cry your face-off while frantically trying to reboot a dripping wet computer).
The marginally good news is I got all of my critical things backed-up before it went to sleep. I'm hoping that after it dries, it may be resurrected. It's going to the hospital tonight to prepare for emergency surgery tomorrow (I love you Scott Carter).
I would have given my third born away to the gypsies had they stopped by my house today. I'm SO over age one.
Holy tragedy! I can't say more than that because I am both sick with a chest cold and sleep deprived. Winning combination.
Holy shit that sucks and weren't we just discussing the tragedy of not having a working computer not to mention lost work?
You may have to show up at Scotty's door with a cow, some bread and maybe, just maybe, your first born as sufficient payment.
If Scott saves its life, I'm totally going to offer him sexual favors as payment (I'll be *that* happy).
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