Monday, May 25, 2009

Things and stuff I don't/won't do

1. Become an official member of any group. I can't belong to anything. Sure, I'll come hang out with your group. I'll play with your group. I'll contribute to your group. I'll even believe I might join your group. But really? no. About three weeks in I'll get "creeped out" by "groupness" and "doing things together on a regular basis" and disappear. 

2. Any of the "what-kind-of-whatever" quiz shit on facebook. They make no difference to me. 

3. Girls. I don't do girls.

4. Eat leftovers if they are "left-over" for more than two days. Well, I might eat them, I just won't enjoy them.

5. Eat Goat products. Ick. This has everything to do with raising goats as a kid. My siblings are the same.

6. Go sock-footed or bare-footed inside. 

7. Make myself lunch in the mornings. Every single morning I'm convinced I'll never be hungry EVER and most certainly not at any point during THAT day. Oddly, every day at roughly 10 a.m., I'm starving to death. Repeat for my entire life. Prepared-ahead food just isn't as delicious as food either a) someone else has made or b) I order/make fresh. 

8. "Save some of it for later." Must eat it ALL RIGHT NOW. 

9. Arrive late. It's physically impossible for me to be late. I do not do this. And if you make me wait: I'll fucking plot your murder and feel 100% justified.* Reason #89 why I shouldn't own a gun.

10. Wear running shoes or hiking shoes with anything but workout clothes which I'm wearing because I'm going to they gym/on a hike. When I put on sneakers with jeans, it feels like I haven't come out of the heterosexual closet and I'm "faking" being a lesbian just to fit in. Uncomfortable. If you ever see me doing this, it isn't me, and please kill the fashion-senseless thing that has obviously taken over my body.  

*This I blame completely on my mother who is oblivious to time and made me wait and wait and wait four hours in my youth.


Kristen said...

What the what? I couldn't find yer blog ASTRID!
Anyway, I'm with ya on the whole waiting thing. I'm never late, and become a big grumpess when I find myself waiting for others (namely my hubby).

Kristen said...

Oops, now I see why I couldn't find your blog. It has nothing with you being Astrid today or tomorrow.
As you were.