Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Notes from Paris

Too bad you still smell like man pee.


Anonymous said...

I dream of smelling the man-pee of where you are. That sounds so gross.

Heather said...

I know! I would so go for that man pee in Paris over the kid pee I am smelling in Pittsburgh.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Kid pee anywhere is wayyyyyyy suckier than man pee in Paris. Wait, I'm still mad at you for being in Paris without me. Shit.

Astrid Rose said...

your-own-kid-pee versus stranger-man pee? no way. stranger-man pee is way worse. oh and paris has made me fat (I guess a two-week all pastry diet will do that). minus two for paris.

Heather said...

By fat do you mean that you gained two ounces? I think it must, because, even when you were 11 months pregnant, you still could not be considered fat. XO

Unknown said...

I wish you were exaggerating about the 11 months. sadly, you are not.