Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dreaded transition # 100

When the two year old learns to get our of their crib.

Thus begins the two or three (crap it could eight this time) weeks of 2 hour nightly struggle.

Wish me luck.

And patience.

And a steady supply of post-bedtime alcohol.


Heather said...

When do you normally go to a big kid bed? Don't disassemble that crib just yet! E. can sleep in it when we visit! Yay!

Lindsay E said...

I feel for you Em. Not having the power to 'trap' your children in bed is something hard to let go of. :)

Unknown said...

I stretch it out as long as possible: i.e., when they start to climb out of the crib. Lew just may be in his crib until he's five...(he hasn't done a repeat performance of climbing out since!)